18 years ago, I was just sitting in my room playing with my sister when it happened a dragon flu strait past my window we told our mum she didn't believe me so I said I would prove it I ran away from home. I went in the forest I found a whole city of dragons it took 4 years for me to find I was spotted though I was used as a slave but as I got older they used me as a dragon slayer one day I finally got to ride one I was a bite nerves I got on it they gave me my own dragon but then night fell when I went to bed I had a plane to escape I tried sneaking out it was too risky so I tried knocking the gard out it worked and then I put his clothes on disguised as he was and.I tricked the other guards I escaped but they caught me i bet the guard halgh to death and I got on my dragon and flu away but they chased after me i went faster I lost them they fell back i said to myself yes i’m free when i went home knowone was there the town was destroyed i started to cry I could not see my parents I could not find them i searched and searched for them I could not find them so i did not give up i checked were the tribals kept me hostage they were there they seen me i tried busting the door down it didn’t work i got my dragon to use its fire the fire melted the bares i got my parents out we got chased.we ran away we lost them then we went
To find a place we could call home.3 years later we found a village where people liked dragons