Tuesday, September 24, 2019

south african heritage day

on the 15th, of september in south africa they have disgusting food like & others.
Image result for chicken feet( walkie talkies )

Thursday, September 5, 2019

staying safe online

Image result for shell shocker pngRendered Image
To be safe online, These are the instructions how!
Step 1: Have an Appropriate name. Names can be
inappropriate and hurtful. So be careful what your
name is.
Step 2: Don’t click on what you shouldn't. Clicking
things can be dangerous and a waste of money, like
the golden chicken, It charges you to buy a golden
pass to have access to anything like skins.
Step 3: Be fair! Don’t tell someone to gang up on
Step 4: don’t get rage. It’s just a game, It’s how it
If you follow these steps you will have an enjoyable